So far I've only discussed the positive elements of living in Korea.
It's time to discuss some of the not-so-hot moments.
To date, I have not cried out of homesickness. However, I was able to live with Oni for the first ten days.
Then the vacation ended, and I had to start my new job and move into my own apartment.
Because THAT'S not terrifying in the slightest.
And then, there was the medical check. The usual pleasantries: blood work, hearing/vision test, urine sample. Fun, fun.
The worst part, however, was the getting sick.
Apparently, everybody gets sick when they first arrive. Everybody. And not just "Oh, I don't feel so well. I'll take some Tylenol and sleep this off."
Ooooh, nooooo.
More like "Dear God, take me to the hospital, I've had this shit for a week and I think I'm dying" kind of sick.
It makes sense: new environment, new air, new germs. No immunity.
Regardless: it sucks. I'm far away from home, I don't have my mother to make me soup, and I can't even get my favorite comfort food because they don't sell it on this continent*.
Add into the mix that Oni just came down with the same thing, and you've got two miserable girls. Oni blames me for giving her the flu. My response? Deny, deny, deny. You obviously got it from the kids you teach. Because everyone knows kids are germy. The end.
So that's all for now, mah peeps. I'm off to sleep this off, and go back to the hospital on Tuesday for a follow-up.
*it's creamsicles, by the way.
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